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A Fiction Writer's Guide to Plot Holes e


A Fiction Writer's Guide to Plot Holes:
Steer Clear of the 6 Most Common Manuscript Disasters

(Book 1)


Nonfiction Writing Resource


ISBN-13: 978-1986962254 

ISBN: 1986962253 


If you can answer ‘yes’ to any of the following questions, this book can help you become successful in completing your writing goals.


  1. Have you ever wanted to write a story?

  2. Do you have ideas jotted down here and there?

  3. Did you start writing, but could only come up with a few scattered scenes and don’t know what to do with them?

  4. Are you tired of struggling with a manuscript in pieces?

  5. Is there a blinking cursor on your screen and you just don’t know how to collect your thoughts to even begin writing anything?


Plot holes shatter the flow in the projects of countless writers, but there are ways to repair them, conquer the often devastating pitfalls of the writing process, and save the wondrous book you’ve envisioned. Captivating your audience with a powerful plot is within your reach, no matter how riddled your manuscript is with holes right now. Author Ann Snizek targets plot basics and shows you a fresh way to approach the damage that plot holes cause to the smooth ride of your manuscript as you improve your writing skills.


Avoid the agony of trapped characters by noticing the warning signs of the hazardous ‘pot holes’ that drive our stories off course to plummet into the abyss of forgotten dreams. Revive your excitement as you triumph over the obstacles and explode with renewed passion as you fulfill your goal of producing an amazing book that you can treasure.


Inside this writing guide, Snizek will show you:

  1. How the basic plot works

  2. How to map the plot holes & uncover their causes

  3. Links to great writing tools & techniques

  4. How to develop creative strategies

  5. How to repair the plot holes


What this guide is NOT:

  1. A guide to road construction

  2. Intended as a highly academic book

  3. A murder mystery

  4. About animal husbandry

  5. Or a marital aid



A Fiction Writer’s Guide to Plot Holes is a quick, easy to follow writing resource for your library and writer’s toolbox, leading you down the road to a completed manuscript your readers will enjoy. Snizek also offers practical writing solutions in the form of fresh writing hacks to activate your brain so you can steer clear of those looming plot holes.


Organize the pieces of your story, fill in small holes, bridge the huge gaps, and discover the satisfaction of completing your writing project.


Don’t forget to collect your two FREEBIES! These extra gifts are intended to assist you in your amazing journey as a writer. Details about how to claim your freebies are hidden in the book. You’ll have to get it to see what secret treasures await you.



Save your manuscript. Save your fiction novel.


What are you waiting for? Jump into the driver’s seat and enjoy your writing journey.


Readers' Favorite

It's a helpful book, but written in a way that is really fun to read. I'm quite sure I'll keep some of the tools in mind when I have to plan a new plot. If you are a bit like me, or if you wonder why people say your plot is full of holes, then this is the book that can make a difference.



Praise for:

Writing Hacks 101

A Fiction Writer's Guide to Plot Holes

There are some neat writing resources in the book too, which I look forward to trying out with my classes.

The best thing about Snizek's book is the way she shows you how to cheat the common causes of plot holes and thus make your writing even more engaging. It's an awesome and unexpected writing hack, that's for sure



Aaron Layshon - Author,

High School English Teacher

5 Stars

An easy to read guide for not just first time fiction writers, but for experienced authors also.



Jean L. - Author

5 Stars

This is such a helpful book for every fiction writer! Read before publish! It points out the issues you can encounter and how to avoid them Helpful links and tips!



Claudia M Hinz - Author

5 Stars

Available in eBook & Print

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